Our Team
Evelyn Cacas
Federal President
Chanum Torres
Federal Vice President
The Constitution and Regulations of the Liberal Party of Australia, and the Young Liberal Movement of Australia set forth that there will be two Officers of the Movement elected at each Federal Council - the Federal President and the Federal Vice President. Voting members of the Young Liberal Movement’s Federal Executive are the Federal President and Vice President along with Divisional Presidents. Appointed Federal Officers, and other Executive Members support the President and Vice President.
Elected Officers
Federal President - Evelyn Cacas (SA)
Federal Vice President - Chanum Torres (NSW)
Appointed Executive, and Other Executive Members
Federal Secretary - Benjamin Kozij (QLD)
Federal Treasurer - Thomas Ferguson (TAS)
Women’s Director - Jeanette Hodgson (QLD)
Campaigns Director - Hannah Hutton (WA)
Communications Director - Jordan Abou-Zeid (ACT)
Development Director - Liam Kiss (NSW)
Rural and Regional Director - Elliott Goodwin (TAS)
Events and Fundraising Director - Clinton O’Farrell (VIC)
Media Director - Dean Dell-Orso (VIC)
Immediate Past President - Darcy Creighton (QLD)
Divisional Presidents
Georgia Lowden – President, NSW Young Liberals
Helen Craze – President, Young LNP (Queensland)
Evelyn Cacas – President, South Australian Young Liberals
Thomas Ferguson – President, Tasmanian Young Liberals
Hayden Tognela – President, Western Australian Young Liberals
Patrick Irwin – President, Victorian Young Liberals
Brodie Taylor – President, ACT Young Liberals
Meet the Team