Queensland Election - Mirani

Arriving on Wednesday of the first week of prepoll and seeing One Nation signs on the way from the airport, showed me the different political climate I was in from my usual Sydney experiences. The seat I have been working on is the Mackay seat of Mirani, for LNP candidate Kerry Latter. Our main two challenges have been the incumbent Jim Pearce of the ALP and One Nation’s Stephen Andrew.

The first morning was a new experience for me: flipping the corflute! A completely foreign tactic but it was highly effective, so hopefully I can use it in the future.


Further, it has been a somewhat different experience having to not only campaign against major parties but also One Nation, Katter’s Australian Party and the Queensland Council of Unions. With constant police checks on the area, conduct has been civil but it has shown me the importance of remaining calm and collected when campaigning.

Moreover, campaigning in Nationals territory has been great fun. Meeting Dawson MP George Christensen in addition to QLD Senator Ian MacDonald and QLD KAP leader Robby Katter have been highlights.

Going into the final two days we are feeling confident that Tim Nicholls and his strong LNP force will be able to achieve government, with the inclusion of Kerry Latter as the MP for Mirani. The local news is showing a very positive vibe for our LNP team, and I hope our work has been of assistance.

I’d like to thank not only the President of the Dawson LNP Cody Vella but also the Federal Young Liberals for this fantastic opportunity on EDO. Representing the NSW YLs and my local Hornsby Berowra YLs has been an amazing honour and I hope I see an LNP government in our near future.

And finally a huge thank you to Toni and Kerry Latter for their hospitality and guidance.

Jack Abadee is a member of the NSW Young Liberals

Campaigning in the marginal seat of Mirani has been interesting to say the least.

The QLD political sentiment at pre-poll is considerably more colourful than NSW.

We're running a disciplined campaigned to ensure our local LNP candidate, Kerry Latter, can oust the in incumbent FIFO MP, Jim Pearce, from office.

Our day begins at 5:50 to prepare for corflute waving - where we take the LNP campaign message to the roadside.

Following this, the Mirani LNP volunteers team up with Whitsunday & Mackay volunteers to tackle the ALP and QLD Council of Unions @ pre-poll.

The massive representation of Union workers and ALP volunteers at pre-poll reaffirms the importance of the YL EDO Program.

Patrick Wynne is a member of the NSW Young Liberals


Queensland Election Wrap Up


Queensland Election - Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail