WA Election - Bicton
The countdown to election day is on and Matt Taylor MLA's campaign in Bicton is in top gear. A hearty breakfast this morning cooked by experienced party member Loralie gave fellow EDO Lachlan Brennan (QLD) and myself the energy for a day's worth of letterboxing, sign waving and polling booth preparing. Bicton is set to now be a marginal seat and every effort counts.
Issues that are of the most concern to locals in Bicton are the implementation of ROE 8 and 9 freeways and the privatisation of Western Power. Matt Taylor's team for this week is to communicate the advantages that such policies will bring to Western Australians. ROE 8 and 9 will create a pathway from Muchea to Fremantle port, decreasing congestion and bringing WA's roads up to date. Privatising Western Power will shave $8 Billion from the budget deficit annually and invest $3 Billion to Western Australian schools. $10 Million of this will be dedicated to schools in Matt Taylor MLA's own electorate. There has been strong opposition by Labor and the Unions to these policies but this opposition has been recognised by many as a bunch of hacks 'just playing politics'.
Coming from Canberra it is great to be in Western Australia. In WA it's actually acceptable to be a Liberal and Lefties and Unions have not yet run the place into the ground (*cough *cough ACT). This is certainly because of the strong leadership Colin Barnett has shown over the past 8 years as Premier as well as solid MLAs like Matt Taylor. Since arriving in WA I have found this Electoral Development Officer Program to be a great experience.
This Saturday I look forward to returning Matt Taylor MLA to office in Colin Barnett's third term of Government.
Brandon Bodel is a member of the ACT Young Liberals