WA Election - Campaign Rally and Northern Suburbs


As EDO participants start arriving in Western Australia for the final push, we stated the day with a campaign rally in Burns Beach with Premier Colin Barnett, Deputy Premier Liza Harvey and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop. The Premier reiterated the Government's positive achievements and the risk of Labor.

It was great to have a couple of EDO participants joining for the rally including Ben Singline from Tasmania and Charles Pruden from Victoria.

Following the Rally, along with Western Australian Young Liberals, we went campaigning for Chris Hatton in Balcatta with a sea of blue in a local shopping centre, a number of street stalls and sign waiving.

As more Young Liberals descend on WA over the next week, we will be keeping you up to date via this blog of all the latest developments.

Josh Manuatu is the Federal Young Liberal Vice President


WA Election - Bicton


WA Election - Joondalup and Burns Beach